We humans are sorry, lazy, whinging wusses. Think not? Spend a minute or two watching bees at work, coming and going from the hive, frantically working a flowering tree, fussing over the comb and think again. Never stopping, never complaining. And you? A tired, bored little crybaby. So what if you have to make the same part for a chair two hundred times in a row? Stop bitching and get back to work. At least that's what we've been telling ourselves lately—and so far it seems to be working. But it sure helps to have a couple thousand bees around to remind you of the value and possibility of staying on task. They're here on loan, for a little while, and we're trying to learn what we can from them while we've got them. Next up are uniforms: these fellas have a very good look. We're thinking jumpsuits, with stripes.