There are good things about making prototypes for sale, especially for sale to friends and especially especially for sale to friends with mad photography skills. Some of these good things are obvious, especially the mad photography skills bit. Less obvious, maybe, is that you get to sell the thing at a discount and everybody feels good about the transaction. Least obvious, probably, is that when you've been making furniture for going on ten years now you end up with a house full of prototypes and little room for anything else. Hoarding is one thing, hoarding furniture is quite another. Picture stacks of tables and chairs up to the ceiling and you get a sense of the potential hazard. Thankfully this one (in white oak, by request) is gone into the world. More will come since the all-wood Turtle is a big winner. We'll offer a version in walnut and forming plywood in that new catalog we've been pimping (think spring).