Clovis and Darnell Tillman, the so-called braintrust of Horsehead Crating Company, claim we're full of ourselves. We get it from them all the time. They say we're all we talk about, all we think about. Well, maybe, but this we know: the Tillmans, at least our Tillmans, are full of shit. To wit: this tag (that pink and yellow bit on the blue wall) on the Supheroes headquarters, or former Superheroes headquarters to be precise. Sandwiched between the Fancy Tiger craft store and Strelka, the Sputnik kitchen, at the corner of Ellsworth and Broadway. Superheroes, as you may know, was or is the company fronted by Ian Coyle, interactive and letterpress man of steel. Well Ian up and flew to Portland (he really likes rain) for good (or goodish anyway), and the Tillmans claim they had something to do with it. Claim he heard they had moved in on his turf, professionally and geographically, and he ran scared north and west. Very silly notion, one they can't really believe. Anyway, they say the tag is a final claim on all that was his. We say baloney. Not even the first tag. Check the knit sleeve on that bit of pipe courtesy of the Ladies Fancywork Society. Better up your game, bozos.