More shots from the Tom Sachs show at Baldwin gallery up in Aspen. The show's down but more pictures are at Tom Sachs's site through this link. We'd add titles and descriptions and witty commentary and whatnot but just go to his site for all that, minus the witty commentary. Doesn't seem to be the man's style, and really who can blame him? The shit is what it is and spewing puffy pap doesn't add a thing, really. To wit, the opening paragraph from what serves as his artist statement in the catalog from the show: "Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet tenderloin pancetta leberkas, sausage sirloin ribeye pastrami. T-bone drumstick sirloin beef hamburger, short loin jowl bacon tongue. Pork sausage andouille pork loin. Boudin filet mignon frankfurter andouille bresaola tenderloin." It goes on like that for seven more paragraphs. We couldn't have said it better ourselves.